Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Bulwark by Brit Lunden   146 pages

 Something strange is happening in the small Georgia town of Bulwark.  First the sheriff’s daughter is kidnapped. No ransom note.  No trace whatsoever.  Then, residents are reported wolf sightings, but wolves have not been seen in that ara in decades. Third, an “older” couple’s (the author says in their sixties---give me a break) car lands in the middle of a murky green pond/lake/puddle (the author can’t make up her mind) that wasn’t there before the accident.

As Sheriff Clay Finnes begins to investigate, even stranger things begin to happen. The couple was coming from the opposite direction, but the road is closed. The only thing back there is an abandoned paper mill. How could they come from that direction? 

Clay has bigger problems than weird events. An plucky reporter who senses a story thwarts him at every turn.  Given that that same reporter is the reason Clay’s marriage broke up, he’s doubly irritated at what is going on.

Clay has no choice but to find the mysterious road the earlier victims mentioned in their statements. Clay has lived there most of his life and has never heard of Linden Lane.  But that night he manages to find it, along with a dilapidated gingerbread house and a very old woman who lives there.

The story moved along at a quick pace, even though it wasn’t scary or anything new. It irritated me that the author gave two endings. Make up your mind.  But one thing did impress me: This book is a series and each of other seven or eight books are written by a different author using other characters from Bulwark, Georgia.

 Bulwark” receives 3 out of 5 stars in Julie’s world.

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