It was the worst of times and then it was the worse still of times. Mark Manson preaches a gloom and doom perspective on life as we know it today saying first of all that everything - life as we know it today is better than it has ever been but turn that thought over and artificial intelligence while rushing toward A.I. being able to out think itself while making our lives better and easier may at some future point decide that humans are expendable - Will Smith tried to tell us. As technology races toward ever better means of communication and learning it is also insulating us from our fellow man and breeding a planet of introvert. Global warming may take us out before technology does, he says but there is always the hope that man will find a way to survive. He really doesn't hold out much hope for society. While we are better off healthwise, wealthwise and with all things over the internet making the world ever more accesable for
is also a fact that while we can now do in two minutes what once took over a month to complete- we are on a global level feeling unhappier than at any time in history. Feelings of worthlessness, unrealized entitlement and that basically everything is f*cked and again globally humankind is taking more drugs to fight anxiety, depression and a maliaise of other woes and complaints. We strve harder to find what makes us happy, how to achieve ultimate happiness yet, relationships, money, entertaining our constant need to combat our stress overload syndrome with what ever we feel will calm our constant running in place when we are trying to satisfy an unquenchable desire to live a simple life and be happy. The Go-Go-Go of our never sit still never get quiet lifestyles don't offer the solace we hope for. Manson says every thing is f*cked and so are we, He offers only the briefest hope that the maladies in our lives are 'fixed" by future generations. Not an up nor positive book at all though sometimes his constant use of profanity and absurb generalizations will make you laugh out loud because they catch you off guard. Nothing is sacred as he picks apart religion, as he counters with quotes from Nietzsche, Socrates, and fake quotes from Einstein - read the book it will all make sense. Would I recommend this book - it is well written and informative, but it is a real downer with only the tiniest likening to something approaching hope, so, I don't think I can recommend it to anyone. Readers will not come away from this book with a glass half full mentality. If things were racing toward chaos before - read this and you will become aware of just how f*cked we are.
- Shirley J
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