Excellent book on learning each staff members' and bosses' preferred ways to be acknowledged for a job well done. Not everyone responds the same way to various types of praise. Some introverted types prefer something personal and not flashy, a personal verbal thanks, a gift to express appreciation. Extroverts like a lot of hype and for everyone to know they did something good like an award given at an event with all of their coworkers attending where everyone gets to join in their "show" and fun. For some just a word of thanks, a sincere pat on the back is fine. Not everyone requires the same type of treatment and this book tells you how to find out via short quizzes what your style is, as well as that of your colleagues. It can make for a happier work environment because once the real you is understood, appreciation and kudos can be given appropriately so you can feel like you shine in stead of being embarrassed or stressed or worse yet that your coworkers/boss don't even get you because they gave you tickets to a sporting event when you could care less about such things when they clearly have heard you talking about your love for film over the years or fine dining or travel. A good insight into really seeing the other person and recognizing them in meaningful ways. Excellent book. I recommend this to everyone because even children will grow up and have to find their niche in the workplace this will give everyone a heads up on not going for a cookie cutter non-involved approach which leaves the other person feeling you don't even know nor care if they exist. Shows just making a gesture from the mouth out shows. But a gesture from the heart takes the time to find out who the person is, what they like then matching good deeds with good will to make that person feel you honestly do care and want to express deep appreciation in a meaningful way.
- Shirley J
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