Stargazing Dog is about a puppy named Happie that gets adopted by a young girl. At first everything is great and both have found a friend. Unfortunately as she got older and entered into her teen years there was less and less time for Happie. Eventually the dog is all but ignored by her. Luckily for Happie though her father starts taking care of him. At first he does so only grudgingly and with lots of complaining. Eventually as his life falls down around him he comes to enjoy the walks and Happie's company.
I really wish the book would end there, but it doesn't. Soon everything is quickly spiraling down hill into a dark finish.
Stargazing Dog is one of the few books that really seemed to touch on my emotions. There were times when reading it that I had to put it down and wipe tears away from my eyes. I am not sure if it was the power of the writing, the heartbreaking loss the book deals with, or just dredged up emotions that effected me more, either way this book should be a must read for everyone.
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