Sunday, January 14, 2018

Knife of Dreams

Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan, Audiobook: 32 hours, Paperback book: 784 pages

This is the eleventh (out of fourteen) book in the Wheel of Time series. In this book a lot of groundwork is laid for the series to be wrapped up. There are signs that the end battle is coming such as ghosts of cities and people appearing. It happens to multiple characters and is pretty widespread.

Perrin plans the rescue of his wife and near the end of the book sets the plan into action. Mat is still trying to hide from the Seanchan but has to separate from the circus he has been travelling with. Along the way, several things are clarified for him. He meets up with part of his army and looks set to be going on a new perilous adventure.

Rand and the people he is with are surprise attacked by Trollocs and Myrdraal. Later, he has setup a meeting with the daughter of the Nine Moon who we know is Tuon (she is with Mat) so something seems off before the meeting happens.

Egwene (the head of the rebel Aes Sedai) has been captured by the other group of Aes Sedai and is trying to create dissension from the inside of the White Tower.

Elayne's attempt to become the Queen of Andor seems to be at a stand still but then the situation shifts and it comes to a conclusion. In fact, several storylines come to exciting conclusions.

Mat is my favorite character in this series. He is a bit of a rogue. Elayne is my least favorite. She is spoiled and doesn't think seriously enough about the consequences her actions could have on others.

This is one of my favorite books of the series. You can see the end coming and there are some exciting developments and action along the way.

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