Friday, March 22, 2019

Left Neglected

Left Neglected by Lisa Genova   324 pages

I read this book because Shirley's review made it sound like a really good read (so I won't summarize here --- you can find Shirley's review which was posted this month).  I had enjoyed Still Alice by this author, but I had never looked for more of her books --- and once I read this, I couldn't believe I hadn't.

I appreciate that the author is a neuroscientist because while I enjoyed the characters and the storyline, I also felt like I was learning something new.  I had never heard of this kind of traumatic brain injury and I appreciated that the author included a lot of details about, but never made it seem like it was a dire sentence for the main character.  In fact, there was a fair amount of humor here, which I really liked.  For example, when Sarah realizes her brain isn't acknowledging anything on her left, she doesn't think it's that serious ---- until she realizes that her brain is not acknowledging that she has a left leg.  Or a left arm.  Or a left hand.  How the heck is she supposed to walk?  Or go to the bathroom?  Yes, all these things we take for granted.

Definitely an interesting book, but also a story I enjoyed.  Thanks, Shirley!!

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