Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Collasping Kingdom (Book 3 in The Land Without Color series)

The Collasping Kingdom (Book 3 in The Land Without Color series)  by Benjamin Ellefson;  illustrated by Kevin Cannon  162 pages

This is the final book in “The Land Without Color” seris, and I have really enjoyed the series. It is highly imaginative and quite unique.

In this episode, all the color is missing from the Kingdom. There are no fruits and vegetables that give the people their color; I found this an intersting way that the author gives parents to explain to their children the importance of eating their fruits and veggies.

Brandon has gone to Grandpa Alvin’s house only to discover two things: Grandpa appears to be missing and there are giant holes in his basement. Brandon barely escapes the collapsing ground around him.  In addition, Officer Reed is still trying to locate Alvin and arrest him on truancy charges.

Brandon begins to investigate why there are suddenly whole neighborhoods and blocks, seeming along with many other who appear to be missing, collapsing into giant holes. It’s all Brandon can do to stay one step of the giant holes.

He makes his way back to school and enlists his best friend’s help to determine what is happening.  Along the way, the boys are aided by a giant eagle and encounter soldiers riding spiders, the return pf the Snakes, and the two princesses they met in Books 1 and 2.

While I enjoyed the read, I felt that Book 3 was the weakest. It was more tell than show. It felt like the author was tired of the Kingdoma and ready to move on to something else. I could be wrong, but the story didn’t have the edge-of-your-seat-vibe that the others had. Therefore, “’The Collasping Kingdom’ (Book 3 in ‘The Land Without Color’ series)  receives 3 out of 5 stars in Julie’s world.

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