Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lost In The River Of Grass

Lost In The River Of Grass by Ginny Rorby, 255 pages

Sarah, who is a new scholarship student at Glades Academy, has gone a science field trip to the Everglades.  She thought that she might be able to make some friends if she tried to participate in something extra-curricular, but the students on the trip are rude and unfriendly.  After they arrive at their cabins, Sarah meets a boy named Andy, who is friendly.  He invites her to come with him the next day for a ride into the Everglades on an airboat.  So, the next day, Sarah pretends to be sick so she doesn’t have to go with the group and then heads out with Andy.  They have a pretty good time, except that Sarah is scared of almost everything, and when Andy lets her drive the boat, she accidentally runs over a duck nest, killing one of the baby ducks and frightening the mother away.  She insists on taking the other baby with them.  They arrive at a cabin where Andy planned to have a picnic lunch.  After lunch, when they get ready to go back, Andy realizes that he has left the plug out of the boat and the boat has sunk.  The only way out is to walk, which will take them a couple of days, but if they wait it could be more than a week before anyone finds them and they have no food or water.  This was a really good adventure story, and also a nice coming of age type story.  A lot of teens would like it.

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