Monday, October 13, 2014

Napoleon of Notting Hill
The Napoleon of Notting Hill by GK Chesterton, 300 pages

In the far off future of eighty-years-from-now, the King of England is an absolute monarch, but one selected randomly by lottery.  When the newest occupant of the throne begins whimsically issuing decrees establishing special sumptuary rules for local officials and heraldic totems for London neighborhoods, the last thing he expects is for someone to take him seriously.  Yet that is exactly what happens, when the mayor of Notting Hill refuses to accept a plan by the surrounding municipalities to build a highway through his town, instead choosing to defy all the rules of business and common sense and rally his loyal halberdiers around the standard of the Red Lion.  Will tender Romance be trampled underfoot by brutal Fact, or will imaginative Sanity triumph over blinkered Madness?

This was Chesterton's first novel, and already his gifts are in full evidence, not least his evocation of the poetry that surrounds us every day, demonstrating how even a humble grocer, seen rightly, is a fabulous merchant trading in exotic goods from distant lands, and every community a sacred fellowship.

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