The Violence of Love by Oscar Romero, compiled and translated by James R Brockman, SJ, 206 pages
The Violence of Love is a selection from Romero's
writings and sermons, edited in such a way as to turn them into a sort
of poetry. Although it is not difficult to imagine this approach
decontextualizing and deforming a body of work into something
unrecognizable, that is not the case here. Especially interesting is
that the selections, although divided into chapters with thematic
titles, are nonetheless arranged in strict chronological order. This
allows the reader to grasp both the development and the continuity in
Romero's teaching from his installation as Archbishop to the sermon he
gave immediately prior to his assassination. It is unfortunate that
there is nothing here from the first sixty years of his life, as opposed
to the last three, but since this is not a biography the flaw is
Fr Brockman concentrates the wisdom and power of Romero's
teaching, neglecting neither his love of God nor his love of neighbor,
resulting in a work that is simultaneously enlightening and inspiring.
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