Sunday, November 30, 2014

Future Falls

Future Falls by Tanya Huff
326 Pages

Huff returns to her series on the Gale family with its controlling matriarchs.  Charlie Gale continues to come to grips with her wild power and her attraction for Jack who is outside her 7 year zone of appropriate mates (convoluted rituals that are part of the family dynamic).  To make things more stressful a large asteroid is going to crash into Earth in 22 months and no one seems to be able to stop it.

This latest entry by Huff still has some humor and moments of brightness but we spend well over 2/3rds of the book with Charlie and Jack moaning about how they can't have one another and then the book sums up the asteroid with a line about "Oh, I took care of the asteroid and made it go boom."

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