Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Real Boy

The Real Boy by Anne Ursu, 341 pages

Oscar is a magician’s hand.  He is not an apprentice; he is simply there to do the tasks that are considered too lowly for the apprentice.  Most days Oscar works in the cellar grinding herbs and it suits him fine.  He understands plants and he doesn’t understand people.  Except for Wolf, the magician’s apprentice, teasing him, his life is pretty great until the day Caleb, the magician, leaves for a couple of days.  Wolf is in charge and is supposed to mind the shop but he also leaves, telling Oscar to mind the shop, because the shop must be open.  Unfortunately, Wolf doesn’t come back, and Oscar’s life begins to turn upside down.  Not everything is bad.  Although he is dealing with people, including people from the City, he has made a friend, Callie.  Callie is helping him understand people a little better and he is helping Callie understand plants better, because she is the healer’s apprentice.  The healer is also away and children in the city are falling ill.  Also, a terrible creature seems to be menacing the Barrow, where they live.  Everything is very confusing to Oscar but Callie is determined to at least help the children and they both hope to figure out what else is wrong in the Barrow.  A really good magical adventure story.  Younger fantasy readers will like this book.

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