Miss Don't Touch Me, by Hubert, ill by Kerascoet, 192 pages
This is a graphic novel for mature readers, as the plot would suggest. What looks like serial murders are taking place around Paris, and when one of the murdered is Blanche's own sister, she sets out for revenge. This takes her into a high class brothel, where she poses undercover as a dominatrix by the name of "Miss Don't Touch Me." The first half of the book is a bit of a mystery, while the second half goes in a bit of a weird direction that's kind of a downer. The art is beautiful, though, and since the setting is jazzy 1920s Paris, the details and story are very entrancing.
This blog is the home of the St. Louis Public Library team for the Missouri Book Challenge. The Missouri Book Challenge is a friendly competition between libraries around the state to see which library can read and blog about the most books each year. At the library level, the St. Louis Public Library book challenge blog is a monthly competition among SLPL staff members and branches. For the official Missouri Book Challenge description see: http://mobookchallenge.blogspot.com/p/about-challenge.h
I just read this recently and really liked it as well!