Thursday, June 26, 2014


Invasion by Walter Dean Myers                 216 pages

Invasion is the story of Woody, a young man who was involved with the Normandy Invasion in World War II.  The invasion was Woody’s first chance at combat and he was completely unprepared.  He and his friends joked about the war and the fact that they expected it to be over soon.  D-Day was one of the worst battles of the war.  The story follows Woody beyond D-Day through the rest of his experiences in the War, including interrogating a German prisoner of war, watching several friends die, and getting shot himself.  Throughout, Woody keeps running into a friend from home, Marcus, who happens to be African American.  Marcus is a poignant reminder to Woody of everything they have left behind but Marcus also usually has news of home, which Woody craves.  This is a pretty good story and is a prequel to Myers’s other war books, Sunrise Over Fallujah and Fallen Angels.  Marcus is father and uncle to the main characters in those books.  Teen fans of war stories or Myers’s other books will like this one as well.

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