Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Commentary on De Trinitate on De Trinitate by St Thomas Aquinas, translated by Rose Emmanuella Brennan, SHN, 197 pages (from The Trinity and the Unicity of the Intellect)

This is, as the above suggests, a commentary by St Thomas Aquinas on St Boethius' theological tract on the Trinity (De Trinitate).  Aquinas uses the scholastic format usually associated with his writings ("It seems that..." but "On the contrary..." and "Furthermore...").  Aquinas uses Boethius' text as a primer on subjects ranging from the division of human knowledge into three principal categories (physics, mathematics, and metaphysics) to the nature of God Himself.

It is safe to say that this is a book with limited appeal.  It is thoroughly excellent on its own terms, but few readers - even among those with an interest in theology or Boethius - will care about most of the issues Aquinas treats in this work.  Many of the articles pack more meaning than entire books by lesser authors, but their subject is often some obscure point of epistemology or ontology.  For those with an interest in Aquinas or scholastic philosophy more generally, this is a work by the Angelic Doctor.  Others may want to skim the articles for subjects of interest to them.

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