Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Talking Leaves

Talking Leaves by Joseph Bruchac, 235 pages

Everyone thinks that Uwohali's father is crazy.  Even Uwohali is afraid that it is true.  His father has been gone for many years and since he has returned Uwohali has been afraid to go see him in case that everyone in the village is right.  When Uwohali finally gathers the courage to see his father he finds that his father is not crazy but is trying to create a system of writing for their own language.  The biggest problem is that many people think that he may be involved in witchcraft, which is punishable by death in their village.  Since Uwohali is talking to his father, some people believe that he may also be involved in witchcraft.  If he and his father aren't careful, they could both be hurt or killed.  This was a good book based on a the real life Sequoyah, who did create a writing system for the Cherokee people.  I have already recommended this book to a group of third through sixth graders.

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