Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst, 424 pages

Liyana is prepared to die.  her body will become a vessel f to house her goddess, Bayla, while her spirit moves on into the Dreaming.  Bayla will be able to do magic that will allow her clan to survive the drought.  Without the use of Liyana's body, her goddess will not be able to affect the earth and would not be able to help the clan.  On the day of the ceremony, everything goes exactly as planned, except that the goddess doesn't come.  Liyana's clan is left bereft, unsure what to do and end up abandoning Liyana to what is surely death in the desert, until a boy shows up out of nowhere.  The boy, Korbyn, may have the answers to what happened to Bayla and how to fix the void she left.  This book is one of the best books I've ever read, definitely my favorite by this author.  Teens who like fantasy will probably love it.

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