Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Other Sister

The Other Sister by Dianne Dixon  400 pages

The cover of this book beckoned me. The old brown suitcase on the old chair is just too much to resist. When I was about 20 pages into Dianne Dixon’s new novel, The Other Sister, I wasn’t sure that I would finish it, much less like it. It’s the story of twins Morgan and Ali. Morgan comes off as whiny, lost in feeling sorry for herself. I’m glad I didn’t give up on this one; by page 50, I couldn’t put it down.

Morgan and Ali are fraternal twins, different as two people can be. Ali is drop-dead gorgeous, has a sexy figure and is intelligent. Morgan didn’t inherit those qualities from her parents. She’s rather homely, dumpy, and it too wrapped up in her pity-party. But there is another reason. She hates Ali. Her sister ended up marrying a guy she saw first, Matt, and thought she could snag. But he was never really interested in Morgan.

 After Matt loses his job, he teams up with a buddy in Hollywood as a writer/producer. The money pours in, irritating Morgan all the more. Then as Ali and Matt are preparing to move to a more palatial home, Ali is the victim of a violent crime. Even on this night, Morgan spews angry accusations at her sister, leaving Ali to feel completely vulnerable and alone.

The couple does a great job in keeping what happened to Ali a secret. Morgan feels that there is something wrong, but she ignores it.

I can’t give much more away, but Morgan’s character evens out to where I actually felt sorry for her. One of the things that drove me nuts in the early pages was the overuse of the term “the underside of love.” Readers don’t need to be told that, they need to be shown. And as the story picked up, so did the lack of giving away plot lines in the guise of foreshadowing. Dixon really needed a better editor for this one.

I give The Other Sister 4 out of 5 stars.

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