Thursday, August 2, 2018

BELATED JULY POST: The Everything Organize Your Home Book 2nd Edition

Please note: Shirley emailed me this post and I failed to get it posted before the end of July. So, it's posted in August but goes towards our JULY totals. - Jen

The Everything Organize Your Home Book 2nd Edition: Eliminate Clutter, Maximize Storage Space and Make Every Square Foot Count!  By Jenny Schroedel           Paperback Book: 288 pages     

Really good book on organizing and decluttering your stuff.    Author, Jenny Schroedel promotes the need to reward yourself for every accomplishment no matter how small or how big, celebrate accomplishing another step toward your long term goal of achieving order, organization and a clutter-free home.    Finally got all that sports equipment moved out of the living room and hung up on pegs and stored in baskets in the garage?  Hurray for you – have that latte you have been wanting –it is time to splurge – you earned it.    Finally got the kids to find the fun in cleaning by setting a timer and having them race to see who can pick up their stuff off the floor and get it stored where it belongs in the toy box or back in their rooms in decorative storage bins?   Go see that film the family has been wanting to see together.    Finally got your significant other to help you rearrange the furniture in the room that you couldn’t budge alone and help to pick up all the stuff you thought was lost but the dog had been hoarding under the sofa?   Go grab burgers like you did when you first got together.   Life is short so celebrate every positive step by honoring your and your peeps efforts you will find a happier home environment and a clearer and cleaner home environment emerge.    Not to mention everyone will feel appreciated and recognized and motivated to do more because it makes every body feel good.   This is a happy book with lots of terrific motivational ideas to keep everyone’s eyes on the prize to suffer through the work to get to the rainbow!    Nobody says you have to work long and hard.   You don’t have to run yourself in the ground trying to accomplish the whole house at once.   Schroedel says set a timer for 5 minutes and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish picking up, cleaning off, retrieving items that have migrated into a room from all over the house and can be put back in its proper place thereby clearing the spot it took up looking like clutter but now beautiful and straightened up.   Guaranteed to put a smile back on your face and make you think hey, maybe doing dishes for 5 minutes actually gets the job done and it doesn’t feel like a drudge because you are only doing it for 5 minutes not 19 hours as you thought you had to out of sheer guilt of looking around your house and being overwhelmed by all the work to be done that you see.   Anybody can put in 5 minutes on a project.   So what if you don’t get it done?   It will leave you wanting to do more but no!   Tease that intense desire in yourself to want to do it all but don’t – it will keep you coming back till the job is done.   It is a whole mindset to stimulate you to want to continue on till you complete tasks by doing a little you are chipping away at the big monster until it is a tiny speck then gone!  TA DA!   Fun read with great tips, great inspirational ideas and a pat on the back with all those treats for doing the right thing to achieve your goal.    Lots of little things equal a big thing like a clean, uncluttered area full of things you love and shedding the weigh you down feeling of all that stuff your’ve been hoarding that obviously doesn’t make you happy or you would do something with it.    Piles of stuff can really feel like dead weight and bog you down.    Shed the stuff you don’t really like or need and you will feel lighter just as if you personally had took off a few pounds and your outlook will be lighter and brighter too.   Restore those smiles people follow the ideas presented in this book and you will let out that sigh of relief and ask yourself why didn’t I do this sooner?   Good book, easy to read and you will feel the impact immediately with all the new ideas you will come up with from these words of wisdom.   Good job, Jenny Schroedel and thanks for including the authors and titles that inspired you to write your book.

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